Get A Jump Start On Your New Year’s Resolutions

Every year we write down New Year’s resolutions that look great on paper and sound wonderful to accomplish. Things go well and then we lose motivation. This year can be different and all it takes is getting a head start on your goals now. Don’t wait around for the holiday season to come and go before starting your new lifestyle. Let’s get on track today! Here are some reasons to start working towards your resolutions right now.
Holiday Meals
Getting on a balanced, healthy meal plan now versus after a holiday season full of overeating can help prepare your body and keep you from setting yourself up for failure. For example, let’s say you are 200lbs with a New Year’s resolution goal to get down to 175. If your holiday season of unhealthy eating adds 5 pounds, you now would need to lose 30lbs to reach your goal. On the other hand, if you can start to control portions and eat smart now and can get to 195lbs before New Year’s, your goal is now only 20lbs away That 10lb swing could be all the difference in staying motivated and accomplishing what you set out to do.
Get Accustomed to your Normal Schedule
Beginning your lifestyle change now during your normal everyday hectic schedule will allow you to be more realistic with your resolution goal. During the holidays when you may have more days off from work it may seem like more time to exercise, which can sometimes be a false sense of reality. You tell yourself you can find time to work out every day, but when you snap back to your normal schedule the hours disappear. Getting on track with when you can find time to exercise now, when your daily schedule is like it will be after the holidays, will better set you up for success.
Treat Yourself to a Beachbody Program
Exploring the different Beachbody programs to find which one gives you what you need to reach your own personal goals now can push your timeline of success and give you experience in understanding what you are doing. Be sure you research time requirements, equipment needed (or lack thereof), exercises included and additional items such as the nutrition plan included for particular Beachbody programs. Starting before the holidays can give you that head start on healthy habits that you can maintain. There is a Beachbody program out there for you; all that is left is you finding the perfect one and start working so you can cross off this year’s resolutions.