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Lesson 4: How to Build a Landing Page

Lesson 4: How to Build a Landing Page

November 1, 2016 - Uncategorized

Now that you have your videos done. It’s time to make all this come together. The above video will show you how to build an actual marketing funnel with your videos. This is where building a marketing funnel gets exciting because you can build your business to the next level with this style of marketing.


Here is the are the two pages and the Facebook Ad for you to review:

Be sure to come back to this lesson to review when you are building your pages. This whole lesson was to prepare you for the next couple of lessons in this course.


I am not a Beachbody Coach. My videos are not speaking from the truth, passion, or heart. So they will come off funky because I was doing this to just demo with you guys. I also recommend you making sure you are more natural and not in the dark.

